Welcome to the Tri-Catholic Parishes of Gogebic County
St. Catherine - Immaculate Conception - St. Sebastian

From the Pastor's Desk
My beloved parishioners,
You might think that praying constantly is a bit of a tall order or even a misspoken sentence. I’m sure you have asked yourself how you can be expected to pray continually? It is true it isn’t an easy matter. You have a life to lead, responsibilities to family & friends and your job - just to name a few objections. It is easy to conclude that you simply don’t have that kind of time.
It would be easy to think that the kind of continual prayer that Jesus is talking about is something best left to those who have sufficient time for daily mass and who have no responsibilities apart from going to Church. It would be easy to think that this is something that you can leave until after you have retired.
But this is a very peculiar trap that we can easily be lured into. It is a way of thinking that is ultimately unworthy of any dedicated Catholic. Because putting things off till tomorrow inevitably means that they will never be done at all. Yes, we can agree that it would be good for us to go to daily mass. It would be an excellent thing to spend a half an hour or so in the Church on a weekday when we can be sure of finding the necessary peace and quiet to say our prayers. However, because of practicalities we realize that not everyone can get to the Church on a day other than a Sunday.
We must recognize, however, that prayer is something for busy people too. It is far too important to leave prayer to those who have sufficient leisure and plenty of time on their hands. We ought to be aware that prayer is the vital driving force of our lives. We need to discover for ourselves that prayer is a wonderful conduit between us and God and therefore it is something necessary for each and every one of us.
It is easy to speak to God all the time. He is with us every moment of our lives. Any idea expressed to God can be a prayer, no matter how simple. In fact, the things we say to God when we are unguarded and working “outside the lines” can often be our purest and most powerful prayers. They are the sorts of prayer that cannot help but end with an exclamation point, and often they are prayers not simply asking for help, but rather, demanding it. Older Catholics might remember when such prayers were called “ejaculations.” The word has fallen into disuse, but the image of prayer being forced from us (like water spurting from a pressured fountain-spout) is very apt. Our most desperate pleas can burst forth from us, unbidden, to bring some relief, some small sense of controlling something, and even a bit of companionship and peace. You might find yourself saying things like: “Lord have mercy,” Angels and saints, be with me!” or “I believe, Lord, help my unbelief!”
May our blessed Lord richly bless you.
Fr. Dominic